I threw myself a Puppy Shower because I’m EXXtra.
I threw myself a Puppy Shower because I’m not having kids for the next 5 years or so, sooo...
I threw myself a Puppy Shower because this is a big deal for me.
I threw myself a Puppy Shower because...I deserve it.
But honestly, the more I think about it...it’s because I deserve to celebrate every ‘Big Little Moment'.
I deserve to celebrate every win.
Big or small.
I deserve to hold mySELF up in the light of goodness sometimes. All the time.
I threw myself a puppy shower because we deserve to be praised for something other than our bodies, uteruses, marital status and/or our relation to a man.
From a young age we’re groomed to look forward to the most important days of our lives...
Proposal, Wedding, Child Birth & Motherhood.
Somewhere along the way things change or become in flux and we’re looking forward to…
Having a man, Having a man that takes care of us, a Baby Shower, Child Birth, & Motherhood
And not to forget the proverbial National holiday…
Our Birthday, Birthday Month, and Birthday Season
But I don’t remember anyone telling me to celebrate making it to my 8:00a class in college.
I don’t remember anyone telling me to celebrate NOT tensing up when getting a Pap. iykyk
I don’t remember anyone telling me to celebrate getting my first apartment. I spent years after my mom passed living in others homes’. Finally being able to provide a home for myself for the first time in 7 years post her death...I should have celebrated.
At the end of the day...my Puppy Shower is a big F*#* you to toxic culture that we all feed into when we don’t celebrate our ‘Big Little Wins’.
When you don’t celebrate your raise or promotion. You’re doing yourself a disservice.
When you don’t celebrate fighting the urge to “Get gas in the morning”. You. Are. Doing. YOURSELF. A. Disservice.
When you don’t celebrate folding the clothes when they’re fresh out of the dryer. You’re doing yourself a disservice.
When you don’t celebrate that credit score increase or credit card pay off. You’re doing yourself a disservice.
When you don’t celebrate paying your student loans each month, let alone paying them OFF. YOU are doing yourself a disservice.
When you don’t celebrate making it to the gym. You’re doing yourself a disservice.
When you don’t celebrate loading and unloading the dishwasher...girl now you know.
When you don’t celebrate your work towards breaking generational curses in your family. You’re doing yourself a disservice.
When you don’t celebrate finishing only ONE bottle of wine after a long day…
When you don’t celebrate taking at least ONE moment for yourself after giving so much of yourself to others...
When you don’t GAS yourself tf up every morning.
You’re doing yourself a disservice.
Celebrate every ‘Big Little Win’.
Buying that bag you’ve been wanting for the longest
Getting a pet
Buying a plant and keeping it alive
Sticking to your budget
Buying a new car
Being an amazing Auntie
The hard work you do at your job
Applying for that LLC
Coming up with a business idea
Not turning your heat on when it’s 56 degrees outside
Celebrate every ‘Big Little Win’ Auntie.
Do yourself this service.
- T-Nee aka They Rich Auntie
I love what you stand for, I love what you are doing and I love where you are going. All of this brings a smile to my face. As a Rich Auntie myself, I’m proud to have found your platform. This brings so much joy in my heart, I pray many blessings upon you and all your endeavors. May God continue to bless you beyond measures.
Love this
Now I see why my Rich Auntie wife pointed out your site … it says, clearly and succinctly, all the things we only obliquely hinted.
Life, Prosperity, and Health!
I love this! Celebrate all the wins, got it 🙌🏾